22 August, 2012

China-Pakistan Strategic Cooperation: Indian Perspectives

China-Pakistan Strategic Cooperation: Indian Perspectives

By- Swaran Singh

Published in association with Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi

This Book is an attempt to collate Indian perspectives on the multifaceted themes and sectors of China-Pakistan strategic cooperation.

China-Pakistan ties have been a major obsession amongst Indian opinion and policy-makers. However, this obsession remains restricted to China’s transfers of sensitive technologies while the essential backdrop that has sustained such a unique ‘axis’ has never been explored with sufficient rigour. Especially, given the secrecy that shrouds these transfers of missiles and nuclear material, technologies and know-how, occasional outbursts in Indian media remains
vulnerable to political populism, emotional outrage and to calculated Western media leaks. These trigger flashes of interest but no substantive follow up debates or dedicated research for evolving India’s policy options. It is this essential gap that this volume tries to fill and generate a serious debate on contours and implications of China–Pakistan relations.

The project locates itself primarily in the new context where the events following 9/11 and the growing India–China and India–Pakistan understanding seems to undermine China–Pakistan axis and looks forward to future challenges. In addition to providing a wealth of information and analysis on this subject of critical importance, this volume aims at shedding populism and bursting several myths that continue to surround Indian debates on China–Pakistan strategic cooperation.

Swaran Singh is Associate Professor, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru
University (New Delhi) and an Academic Consultant with Cente de Sciences Humaines
(New Delhi). He can be reached at ssingh@mail.jnu.ac.in

ISBN 81-7304-761-8 2006 406p. Rs.895/ Pounds 60

4753/23 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi 110002
Phones: 23284848, 23289100
Fax: 23265162
E-mail: manbooks@vsnl.com

To order your copy at www.manoharbooks.com

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